Tag Archives: Google

Google to store data?

CIO Insight reports that Google plans to launch a service to store users’ data quoting a report in the Wall Street Journal – the so-called Gdrive.

According to the story users would be able to house files they would normally store on personal computers—such as word-processing documents, digital music, video clips and images—on Google’s computers. Files could then been accessed through the Internet from different computers and mobile devices when users sign on using a password.

The report says Google plans to provide some free storage, with additional storage allotments available for a fee.

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Google: APIs which bite

Google’s decision to start charging a fee for access to the Google AdWords API comes under scrutiny from John Battelle.

Venture investors would need to be aware of how open Google will be with APIs going forward. Any startup that is working on a mashup that would take information from Google via an API would have an increased level of risk. (What if Google begins to charge for the spreadsheet API, or the maps API?)